
Heart conditions and pregnancy: Know the risks

How can I prevent complications?

Taking good care of yourself is the best way to take care of your baby. For example:

  • Keep your prenatal appointments. Visit your health care provider regularly throughout your pregnancy.
  • Take your medication as prescribed. Your health care provider will prescribe the safest medication at the most appropriate dose.
  • Get plenty of rest. Take a daily nap, if you can, and avoid strenuous physical activities.
  • Monitor your weight gain. Gaining the right amount of weight supports your baby's growth and development. Gaining too much weight places additional stress on your heart.
  • Manage anxiety. Ask questions about your progress. Find out what to expect during labor and delivery. Knowing what's happening can help you feel more at ease.
  • Know what's off-limits. Avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine and illegal drugs.